We have designated the third Sabbath of every month after the worship service to pray for the people who live in the Rockwood neighborhood, our church’s mission field. While this collective effort by the church takes place at a specific place and time, we are inviting all of us, however, to bring this community to God weekly during our family and personal prayers. Pray especially for our immediate neighbors beyond the fences and boundaries
of the church property and remember that we are interceding on their behalf for their salvation and felt needs.
The church leadership is committed to equipping and empowering church members for ministry. Our next discipleship training is scheduled for Saturday, February 1 during the regular Sabbath School time (9:30 10:45am), and this would involve the youth and adult classes only. Pastor Puni will present on “Being Faithful to the Biblical Text” as part of our discipling strategy for the church. Remember to mark this important church activity in your schedule for 2025, and plan to attend.
Regular Friday vespers and social activities for this year will start next month (February). Please note that there is a gym night organize for Saturday, February 8 at 6 pm, and the first Friday vesper is scheduled for February 14 at 7 pm. Feel free to invite a friend to join you for the above youth activities and meetings. The young people appreciate the on-going support from the local church through prayer, personal presence, and financial support.
The designated monthly Evangelism Community Sabbath falls on the second Saturday of the month, and this special occasion provides a unique opportunity for us to invite non-church people from the local community and including our friends, neighbors, and family members to experience Adventist worship and fellowship together with us. The next Evangelism Community Sabbath is scheduled for Saturday, February 8.
Our local congregation is committed to God’s mission, to make disciples of all peoples, and will be involved and participate in the General Conference (GC) prayer initiative scheduled for the month of January. Our
participation over ten consecutive days of this prayer experience will include all persons but delivered in a mix mode with some meetings taking place in the church and others in the comfort of our homes together with family members. Please note these details of the plan to date. Church meetings at t he fellowship hall downstairs are scheduled for January 22, 25, 26, 29, 31; and home meetings are scheduled for January 23, 24, 27, 28, 30. The church meetings will include a fellowship meal starting at 6 pm and followed by the prayer meeting at 7pm. Home meetings will start at 7pm. Our intention is to provide variation while maintaining consistency and uniformity in the delivery of the plan. The Discipleship Ministry will be leading this program with the reading/teaching resource now available on the Rockwood church website (click here).
The goal of the Pathfinder Club of the local church is to make disciples of our children from the ages of 10-15 and their friends from the community who may want to join. The educational and outdoor curriculum of this ministry provides opportunities for spiritual learning and personal development that will help young people to grow in Christ and become responsible citizens through service. The club meets Sabbath afternoon every second and fourth Saturday of the month at church. Please speak with Nina Kight if you want your child to join the Rockwood Pathfinder Club.
On the second Monday of each month the Portland Adventist Community Service Center operates a mobile food pantry with volunteers loading the trailer at PACS in the morning from about 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. In the
afternoon they distribute food to those in need from 4:00-6:00 pm at 124 NE 181st Avenue, and each month PACS serve about 35 families. PACS need drivers and volunteers for morning loading and afternoon distribution. If you have time with a heart for service, then consider this an opportunity to be part of God’s presence in community. Please contact Kamille Ross
directly (971) 284-2824, if you are interested.
When presented with mission opportunities and possibilities, God’s people are encouraged to pray earnestly and to seek God’s will through fasting. In view of our commitment to the Try Jesus evangelistic campaign in April and the Ten Days of Prayer initiative this month, we are inviting able and willing persons to join us in fasting from the Thursday evening of January 30th to the Friday evening of January 31st. We will close the fasting together at church, Friday evening with a Sabbath
celebration meal.
The annual Gladstone Camp Meeting provides opportunities for members of the Oregon Conference to meet together for Christian fellowship, Bible study, equipping and training, resourcing, encouragement and inspiration. The Conference, in faith, is already planning for the 2025 camp meeting, but they need our help for next year and beyond. We can all chip in by contributing to this fund-raising campaign with the goal of raising $450,000 by March 31, 2025. Give online (click here) or write "Gladstone Camp Meeting" on your tithe and offerings envelope.