Regular youth activities for 2025 have started already with the next vespers scheduled for Friday, February 21st at 7 pm. Feel free to invite a friend to join us at this time for fellowship, spiritual conversations, and prayer. The next gym night is planned for Saturday, March 8, and the whole church is invited.
A church business meeting is an opportunity for the collective unit the local congregation to receive ministry reports, discuss major capital projects, approve the church budget, and vote on important matters that the leadership deemed necessary and significant to bring to the whole church for support and endorsement. As baptized members of the Rockwood church, it is our privilege and responsibility to attend and participate in the deliberations during these scheduled meetings. Please accept this notice as your personal invitation to the church business meeting scheduled for the Saturday evening, February 22 at 6 pm.
The church that works together will stay together. Your heart of service and willingness to offer your time, skills and resources in the maintenance of our church facilities and beautifying our grounds are appreciated. And with Spring coming soon, we are calling for volunteers to help deacons and deaconesses with our church work-bee scheduled for Sunday, March 2 from 2 – 6 pm. Thank you in advance for planning to be with us on this date.
The designated monthly Evangelism Community Sabbath falls on the second Saturday of the month, and this special occasion provides a unique opportunity for us to invite non-church people from the local community and including our friends, neighbors, and family members to experience Adventist worship and fellowship together with us. The next Evangelism Community Sabbath is scheduled for Saturday, March 8.
The church leadership is committed to equipping and empowering church members for ministry. Our next discipleship training is scheduled for Saturday, March 15 during the regular Sabbath School time (9:30 – 10:45 am), and this would involve the youth and adult classes only. Pastor Puni will present on “Growing Disciples by Making Friends” as part of the Sharing the Life strategy of the church. Remember to mark this important church activity in your calendar, and plan to attend.
The Oregon Conference Ministerial Department will be hosting an in person Elder's Training on Sunday, March 16 at Gladstone from 9 am 5pm. This specialized training for local church elders will include content on how to lead yourself well and avoid burnout, the heart of Christian
leadership, and the foundational principles and practice of effective preaching. We strongly encourage serving elders for this church year to attend this equipping program.
The goal of the Pathfinder Club of the local church is to make disciples of our children from the ages of 10-15 and their friends from the community who may want to join. The educational and outdoor curriculum of this ministry provides opportunities for spiritual learning and personal development that will help young people to grow in Christ and become responsible citizens through service. The club meets Sabbath afternoon every second and fourth Saturday of the month at church. Please speak with Nina Kight or contact her via email: if you want your child to join the Rockwood Pathfinder Club.
The Women’s Ministries and Prayer Ministries of the Oregon Conference are hosting a one day training for women of all ages at Gladstone on Sunday, April 6 from
9:00 am to 4:00 pm. For more information on this program, please contact Tawny Sportman directly on this phone number: (541) 401 2521 or check the poster at the Noticeboard at the church foyer.
The annual Gladstone Camp Meeting provides opportunities for members of the Oregon Conference to meet together for Christian fellowship, Bible study, equipping and training, resourcing, encouragement and inspiration. The Conference, in faith, is already planning for the 2025 camp meeting, but they need our help for next year and beyond. We can all chip in by contributing to this fund-raising campaign with the goal of raising $390,000 by March 31, 2025. Give online (click here) or write "Gladstone Camp Meeting" on your tithe and offerings envelope.
Are you interested in growing your prayer life while exploring the biblical gems of God’s Sanctuary as taught in Scriptures? If the answer is yes, then you want to book your space for this weekend event of impactful Bible discovery on the Sanctuary while being immersed in personal and group prayers. The Prayer Conference will be held at the Twin Rocks Conference Center at Rockaway Beach with Dr. Richard Davidson, Old Testament professor and scholar from Andrews University. To register, click here.
As Adventist Christians we are committed to the proclamation that Jesus saves, and our Rockwood congregation will share biblical messages about Christ from the Gospel of John in April next year. This program is purposely designed for people of all ages and ethnicities with Pastor Puni as the speaker/presenter. You are personally invited to be part of this initiative by starting to pray for persons you want to invite to this program. Please mark these dates in your calendar and think of an area of ministry where you may want to serve during the campaign.