Upcoming Events


Find out what is happening in our Church and Community



Monday Bible Study

The weekly Monday Bible study (1-2 pm) at the Youth Chapel is back and active, and all are welcome to join. Please contact Debbie Yost, Bible study facilitator, by email (steveanddebyost@frontier.com) if you are interested or have questions.


Deacons and Deaconesses Meet & Potluck: October 19

Pastor Puni is inviting all serving deacons and deaconesses to meet with him after the worship service on October 19th. This meeting will take place at the fellowship hall and will provide opportunity to talk ministry, pray and fellowship together. Please bring a dish of food to share and thank you for planning to attend.


Community Sabbath and Luncheon:
October 12

Our monthly Community Sabbaths provides a unique opportunity for all of us to invite non church people from the local community and including our friends, neighbors, and family members to experience Adventist worship and fellowship together with us. As a church, we are encouraged to pray and plan accordingly, and together we can make this Sabbath evangelistic with all our programs organized with this one goal in mind, to
share Jesus with others. Please bring a dish of food to share with our guests during our vegetarian luncheon.


Training for Audio Visual Team:
October 7 & 9 @ 6-7:30 pm

This is an open invitation to all persons (especially young people) who are interested and including those who have been invited to serve in the audio visual team for 2024/2025 to attend a special training by Richard
Van Boeckel on the use of AV equipment on the dates listed above. Please note that the training is over two evenings (Monday and Wednesday).



Communion 4th Quarter: October 4

The Friday Communion Service on October 4th provides a relaxed and informal atmosphere where the church as a family can celebrate together the blessings of salvation in Christ through the Christian ritual of communion, and this includes foot-washing and the Lord's Supper. Please note that the program starts at 6:00 pm with foot washing; 6:30 pm Agape (Love) Meal; 7:15 pm The Lord's Supper. The focus of Communion is always Christ, and this is an important time to reflect and contemplate again on the love of God for us. Adventists practice "open communion," and everyone is welcome to join and participate, children included. For our agape meal, please bring food platters as listed below and ready to be served: Last name beginning A-L bring vegetable platters. Last name beginning M-Z bring fruit platters. Thank you!


Prayers for the Rockwood Community: October 19

God has placed our church in the Rockwood neighborhood to impact this community and its people with the love of Jesus. As a church we are planning several community initiatives to establish relationships with the people, and we are starting this process by praying for the community. Join us for a special prayer session for this purpose on the third Sabbath (soon after the worship service) of the month.


Pathfinder Club Meetings

Parents, pathfinders, and staff, please note that the club meetings are scheduled for the first and third Sunday of every month starting October 6th from 6 8 pm. Please contact Nina Kight (Club Director) directly:
jbnkight@frontier.com for more information or if you have questions.


Praise & Worship Volunteers

God has blessed you with the gifts of music and voice, and we are inviting you to be part of our music ministry right here at Rockwood. Your interest, commitment, and contribution to our collective worship experience matters, and we thank you for your willingness to be involved. Please contact Michelle O'Meara our Worship Coordinator by email (blakelymlb@comcast.net).


Youth & Teen Ministry

Our church values young people, and we recognize their participation and contribution to the life and mission of our congregation. We are also committed to providing them with a safe place and time to fellowship and grow together in Christ. The youth ministry team schedules regular meetings for youth, with vespers (7-8 pm) organized for the first and third Fridays of the month, and social activities every second and fourth Saturday over the winter months. Please note that the next vesper is
October 18th and the next social event which is a gym night at PAES is scheduled for Saturday, October 19th from 7-10 pm.


Discipleship Training

The church leadership is committed to equipping and empowering church members for mission. This emphasis on training started last Sabbath with Pastor Dauncey on Strategic Community Engagement. Our next ministry
training is scheduled for October 26 during the Sabbath School time slot (9:30-10:45 am), and this would involve the youth and adult classes only. Pastor Puni will present on “Reclaiming the Sabbath School Objectives.”


Family Week of Prayer Readings 2024

Every year in the month of September, the Adventist Church globally comes together for seven days to study the Bible and pray. Usually, this Week of Prayer is scheduled for the first week of the month. To be part of this worldwide emphasis, we are encouraging members (individuals and families) to choose a week this month when they can focus on these readings for their evening worship. To access this resource, click here to read and/or download the readings.


Prayer for Pentecost 2025

Pentecost 2025 is a division-wide mobilization of Seventh-Day Adventist churches in North America: 1. To pray for the Holy Spirit's outpouring and power (starting now in 2024), and 2. To proclaim the Gospel with the Holy Spirit's power (in 2025). To learn more about this initiative, click here. In connection with Pentecost 2025, the NPUC is inviting everyone to pray both privately and corporately for the Holy Spirit during the month of October 2024. For more information about participating, click here.